so, i put my foot down and said "NO!!!!!" to gilmore girls last night. flat out refused. i've gotten to the point where i want the new writer to be publicly beaten for so horribly ruining such a great show! i mean, yes, the old writers had kinda written the show into a bad place, but this new writer had the opportunity to bring it back to what it used to be! and what does he do? he turns it into crap geared towards 13 year old girls. idiot.
NEW AWESOME SHOW: Heroes!!!!!!
if you havent seen it, you should watch. the show, though, is built upon the previous shows, so if you plan to start watching, check out the show's website so you can read up on it.
basically, (i am so not going to do it justice here, so dont just take my word for it!!) there are these individual people throughout the world who are slowly developing these weird powers (cheerleader who cant die, the two brothers who can fly--one of them is from gilmore girls! jess!!--the cop who can hear people's thoughts, the japanese guy who can bend time, and i think there are a couple others). so, some of them seem to be good, or "heroes," and some are bad. but the basic premise is that those who are the good ones have to figure out how to save the world. oh! i forgot. this guy isaac is a painter, and he can paint the future, and so thats partly how they know they need to "save the cheerleader," or whatever. its really good. check it out! monday nights at 9. then that weeks show is re-played at 7 on friday on the sci-fi channel.
Does this mean I don't have to go home at Christmas time and listen to the TV show with the whiney, nagging voices? Bummer...
Heroes sounds like X-Men, consider it tivo'd!
...does anyone know how it turned out? Hope springs eternal, I guess, plus I got hooked so late. So sad. Anyone who watched, let us know?
summer said they got married. puke.
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