weather report
first off: happy valentine's day. i think its a bullshit holiday, and i would even if i were dating someone. no, wait, the first part of that is a lie. i enjoy it with my friends and family. it's fun to buy cheesy cards for your friends, etc (by the way, i didnt buy friends cards. sorry.). but i think its kinda bullshit to HAVE to tell the person you're dating how much you care about them, and to stress about "what do i do about valentine's day?!" i was actually asked that by two different guy friends. my answer? "nothing. find a girl who doesnt believe in it." they didnt find that very helpful. huh...
i have been WAITING for winter out here in new york. i mean, we've had a couple days where it has snowed lightly. i think one day where it stuck for a little bit, but thats about it. and we've had COLD days, but those just suck unless there is snow or something. so, it snowed last night while i was in class, so when i got home, i checked the weather report to see what was in store today: "frozen rain."
now. before i go on, let me clarify something. i am aware that it snows in california. HOWEVER, i dont go to the snow. i dont spend time in the snow. i basically know NOTHING about snow.
that said, i saw "frozen rain" and thought, "wow. that sounds really unpleasant. why dont they just say snow?! isnt that what frozen rain is??"
no. its not. i found this morning that frozen rain is in fact an entity all its own. it is tiny tiny tiny balls of ice that come hurtling at you at 500 miles an hour (well, i live right on the water so its a lot windier by my apartment than the rest of the area). frozen rain sucks. i was almost blinded, and had to continue walking to get coffee (yes, its my own fault i went outside) with my head down, my scarf pulled up to just below my eyes, my hat pulled down just above my eyes, and my hands shielding my eyes.
but its pretty.....
enjoy your weather wherever you may be!
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