what would a girl do for free coffee?
i dont know whats been going on lately. first starbucks last week giving out free 12oz cups of coffee from 10-12, which my friend chris and i took total and complete advantage of. we did a "coffee crawl" if you will. hey, if starbucks insists on putting a store on every single friggin corner they have no right to expect any different.
TODAY. all day. dunkin donuts is giving out free ICED coffee in honor of the first day of spring. for my readers in california, you may be surprised to hear that on the east coast, dunkin donuts is actually regarded as decent coffee. and, i must say, their free coffee is way better than starbucks' free coffee.
now, what would i do for free coffee? well, i just walked about 7 blocks in 20 degree weather with no gloves clutching my free coffee. by teh time i got home, my fingers were THROBBING from the cold, and i still have the shivers. BUT! i have free coffee!!
go get some!
Must be the nonnie in you. God bless the Depression . . .
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