Cali Girl in NYC

I've lived in California for 24 years, and decided to move clear across the country for law school. this will be where all can come to laugh at me as i die in the humidity and freeze in the snow as my california body adjusts to life in new york city...through this blog, i hope to have everyone else suffer just a little with me as i make my way through law school

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

now i've had the time of my life...and i owe it all to.....well, johnny and baby

so, this year marks the 20th anniversary of DIRTY DANCING. i dont remember the first time i saw the movie or who with (although i have a feeling that its safe to say that summer was there). i DO remember, though, in like 5th or 6th grade my best friend holly LOVED the movie and my mom wouldnt let me see it...

anyways, it became one of my favorites. one of my girl movies, where whenever i need to feel like a high school girl, all giggly and everything, i watch the movie and image that one day, my "johnny" will find me, and he'll stick up for his best friend who happens to be a girl and knocked up by some slimy pre-med wiater asshole but he'll tell my dad that HE knocked up his bestfriend so then my dad will forbid me to see him, but i wont listen and i will sneak off to see him and we will dance in teh rain and he'll call me baby and then someone will say that hes a thief but i know the truth because we were doing naughty things at the time they said he stole the stuff so then i will stand up for him but he will get fired from his job as a dance instructor and then have to go away and then i will be sad and my sister who hates me will be nice because she pitties me and then there will be this big huge performance adn then johnny will show up and tell my parents that NOBODY PUTS BABY IN A CORNER and then we'll dance and kiss adn i WILL do the lift and everyone will cheer and then my dad will tell johnny that he knows johnny wasnt the one to get penny in trouble and hten my dad will love me again and he will love johnny too and then all will be right in the world....yeah, im just waiting for that day...

anyways, so. since its the 20th anniversary, select theaters are showing the movie tonight and tomorrow, so i, naturally, bought tickets as soon as i heard, and i got my friend sara to come along with me. oh. my. god. i dont know when i had so much fun. essentially, the theater was like a giant slumber party filled with girls and some guys (either gay or dragged there by their bitchy girlfriends--seriously, who DOES that to a guy??), and we were all giggling and cheering and singing along with the songs in teh dark. it was soooo much fun. and seeing a movie on a huge screen that youve seen 20million times before on a teeny tiny screen is such a shock. i saw SO MANY little details that i had never noticed before.
im on a dirty dancing high right now. serioulsy, SO MUCH FUN!!

to top the night off, as i was walking home it began to sprinkle. i dont know if you all know this, but i LOVE LOVE LOVE walking in the rain (under the right circumstances, of course. on my way to school? yeah, not so much). and then the lightening started. unbelievably beautiful.
and today, i took a short walk around my neighborhood to check out spring time. i cannot even express to you how beautiful old brooklyn is with the trees either a brilliant bright green or blossoming and tulips EVERYWHERE (what are they? the official flower of brooklyn? i mean, theyre pretty and all but they are everywhere) and it smells so good and it was sunny and warm...i am still enchanted by this city.

my god i love new york.
and baby.
and johnny...

oh sylvia...
yes mickey?
how you call your lover boy?
cmere lover boy!
and if he doesnt answer?
oh lover boy...
and if he STILL doesnt answer?
i simply say...babyyy....ooohohoh sweet bayyybbyyy, you're the one...


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