Cali Girl in NYC

I've lived in California for 24 years, and decided to move clear across the country for law school. this will be where all can come to laugh at me as i die in the humidity and freeze in the snow as my california body adjusts to life in new york city...through this blog, i hope to have everyone else suffer just a little with me as i make my way through law school

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Perry, Pasties, and...uuuh...Possible Acting Career (there! three ps!)

so, im still working on my paper. i think it is really coming along. it is due tomorrow night before 6, so, hopefully, i should have it where i want it by then!

friday night i took a much needed break to hang out with some friends.

first up! my friends matt and KC (it's actually "casey," but for those of you who are in-the-know, i think it is better to use "KC") and i had planned to go see the Prestige on friday night. i have been waiting for this movie for a while. christian bale. nice!! however, we kinda forgot it was opening night on a friday, so it was sold out by the time we got there. damn!! so, we decided to head back to my apartment for some drinks before we headed out for our respective friday night debaucheries (fyi, i looked up "debauchery" to ensure that i spelled it right, and one of the definitions it gave was "orgies." yeah, thats not what i did with my friday night.).
so, the three of us had fun sitting around joking and telling stories.

from there! the boys were nice enough to take the F train with me into the city, when they could have taken a nicer, quicker train to where they were heading. but it worked out for me! i took the train to the lower east side to a bar called Piano's. i fell in love with the bartender. SO CUTE! anyways, side
i met up with JJ and three of his friends: jim, travis?, and jason? i dont really remember all their names. i remember jim because i asked him like seven times what his name was. after a while, it started to sink in. while we were there, i was talking to one of the guys about some random guy in the bar who i thought was dressed like one of the village people, and then jj's friend goes, "doesnt he look like someone?" and as SOON as he said that i though, "its perry farrell!" (and here) and i got jj's attention, and we probably spent a good 15 minutes staring at this guy before we finally determined that it was not him. im still not 100% sure that it wasnt, though...

from there we went to the Slipper Room (here, and here). i have to say, time with jj is never dull....
this was our host. he was actually a pretty entertaining comedian. and who can guess what super-hero he is dressed as??!?

that's right, my friends! he's wonder woman. i saw more man-thigh than i have ever cared to see.
here is the host talking to the most beligerently drunk woman EVER. i cant even begin to tell you how funny this moment was.

i think the best part was a litte later, the host came back out to say that he had been talking to the "heavy" at the bar, who said that if the woman had tried to attack the host, he totally would have let her. good times.

oh! here was another great moment! there was a girl in the audience who's birthday it was, so the host called her up on stage. her name was sara and she was jewish (this is pertinent information). then the host says that since it's her birthday, and it is a burlesque show, she should have a dance-off with someone else from the audience. and who should it be? well, it should be OUR jewish friend named sara, of course!!!
poor sara is a trooper. she wasnt drinking, but she got up on the stage and did an amazing job! she didnt win, but i think its only because it was the other sara's birthday. but my friend sara rocks!

so innocent...and then.....


our host after a costume change (velour underoos) and the winning sara.

when we were about to leave, im not sure how it happened, but one of the dancers came up and put pasties on jj's friend jim. she even taught him to do a little dance...

from there, we went dancing, and alex met up with us. he gave me an acting lesson. here is "confused."

i could so be the world's greatest actress!!!

alright, enough time wasted. back to the grind...was it enforceable?!


At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay. Back to the Possibility of Perry. . . if you ever see him again, please douse him with a drink and tell him your mother challenges him to a duel with pistols. I'll show him addiction, why I oughta...

At 3:02 PM, Blogger susannah said...

i know...i was gonna give him an ear-full...

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Summer said...

i was gonna mention something about stupid perry but mom beat me to it! the burlesque show sounds awesome and i LOVE the pic of you and alex!


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