Cali Girl in NYC

I've lived in California for 24 years, and decided to move clear across the country for law school. this will be where all can come to laugh at me as i die in the humidity and freeze in the snow as my california body adjusts to life in new york city...through this blog, i hope to have everyone else suffer just a little with me as i make my way through law school

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Official Sash Maker...enough to make you gag, and then some

im sorry. its like kicking someone in the nuts. and then pointing. and laughing. and then you give that person a papercut. and then you pour lemon juice all over it.
thats what this season of gilmore girls was.
the season sorry. i want to throw up with the blatant, in-your-face sappiness of it all. the multiple pans of the entire cast. the obviousness of letting us know that friday night dinners will continue.
im sorry. i understand this past season SUCKED (i dont actually know for sure, because i, one of THE MOST LOYAL FANS of the show, havent watched since november), but come on. couldnt they make the SERIES FINALE GOOD??!
im disgusted. and upset. and so bothered that this is how it all ended.
i will not be buying this season. i own every other season, but this was SUCH SHIT that i wouldnt want to contribute any more of my money to the people who ruined one of the best shows on television.

lorelai, rory, and the rest of starts hallow: i will remember you as you once were: funny, clever, and enjoyable....too bad you couldnt stay that way til the end...


At 10:01 AM, Blogger Summer said...

yeah that was WAY too sappy and why, all of the sudden, can no one on the show act?! i did laugh at rory's reaction to the sash being made out of kirks mom's nightgowns though...

At 10:07 AM, Blogger susannah said...

yeah, there was that and then lorelai at the very beginning before the whole kristiana whats-her-face thing got too cheesy for me and i actually turned it off for a bit. PAINFUL!


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