Cali Girl in NYC

I've lived in California for 24 years, and decided to move clear across the country for law school. this will be where all can come to laugh at me as i die in the humidity and freeze in the snow as my california body adjusts to life in new york city...through this blog, i hope to have everyone else suffer just a little with me as i make my way through law school

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

the most pathetic 18 minutes and 40 seconds of my life

so. ive gotten to the point in my law school career where a glass of wine at night is a wonderful, wonderful thing. it eases some of the stress, and helps one sleep. (i believe my mother now things im an alcoholic).
so, like a good daughter of a wine-maker, i have never before opened a bottle of wine. oops. so, tonight was going to be my first time opening a bottle of wine, AND using a new corkscrew. i had bought the corkscrew when i first moved here, anticipating nights like these. when i brought it home, i opened it, threw away the packaging, and forgot about it (this is pertinent info).

there i am tonight. going for a glass of wine. it takes me a good 5 minutes to get the outside wrapping off. but i DID it! so then i try and open it with teh corkscrew. no...that didnt work. let me try it this way. no...that didnt work, either. hmmm...what to do? so, laughing at myself for being a MORON, i do what any self-sufficient almost 25 year old "adult" would do. i called mommy and daddy.
my mom answered. help! i say! i dont know how to get at my wine!! my mom tells me im not stupid (aww, the lies parents tell their children) and passes the phone over to my father. my father has so much faith in my intelligence that his first question was, "are you sure its a cork and now a screw cap?" yes, father. i at least know THAT much. =)
so, then we spend about ten minutes searching the internet together (he in california and i in new york) trying to find a picture of the corkscrew i have. and then trying to find directions as to HOW to use the corkscrew. as were finally giving up, he suggests one more thing--shoving teh screw as far down as it will possibly go and then pulling up (pushing down? crap, i already forgot!) on the lever. and lo and behold! POP! out comes the cork!! yeah!!!!!

and thats what i did tonight instead of study.

(well, thats kinda a lie cuz im about to start doing some studying now!)


At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sure you were not drinking before you tried the cork screw?


At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me that all corkscrews are pretty much the same in the way they are meant to function.... you shove it into the cork (or on either side, if you have one of those two-tonged ones) and then you yank it out. Hell if all else fails, you just take a knife and stab the cork into the bottle- then again, do this only if you are desperate. I have to believe that the trouble had more to do with operator error than any kind of complicated corkscrew design. I'm just saying...


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