Cali Girl in NYC

I've lived in California for 24 years, and decided to move clear across the country for law school. this will be where all can come to laugh at me as i die in the humidity and freeze in the snow as my california body adjusts to life in new york city...through this blog, i hope to have everyone else suffer just a little with me as i make my way through law school

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

study break!!

so, here i am, 1230 am. i just took some nyquil (i have a *slight* cold and am trying to kill it as fast as i can--its going quite slowly actually--so i am not sick the next two weeks....the dreaded FINALS WEEKS!!!!). im slowly getting loopy, and i though, what better time to stop studying and start taking PICTURES!!?
well, also, im not sure if i mentioned this before, but i love dave matthews. no. seriously. LOVE HIM. and this year...well, this was the first year in almost TEN YEARS that i havent seen him live. i first saw him when i was 15...with my friend blair. and peter was there (if you dont know then im not going to tell you). and so were all the other boys that i had a crush on when i was 15. that first dave concert...excuse me as i sob silently in the background.
anyway, since i didnt get to go, and summer went to two (cough cough WHORE cough), she was nice enough to buy me a shirt (if she had REALLY loved me, she would have paid for me to fly home to see him, adn then fly back to new york. dude, i wouldve paid for the concert ticket!). she just sent me the shirt today, and honestly, i cant tell you what its like coming home into my building, out of the TWENTY SIX DEGREE weather (granted, when i came in three hours ago, it was probably more like thirty) to a nice warm building and...a package!! yeah! so i rip it open (well, "rip" is exaggerating. there really isnt much dexterity when your fingers are numb through your gloves!) and there is a dave shirt! i must say, i think, outside of the fire dancer, i really love this print! and now you can see it, too!!

and now, this is just me having fun with the camera, procrastinating against studying...


At 9:56 AM, Blogger Summer said...

yeah it only took me 3 months to actually send the stupid thing! i got one the same size and theyre rather oddly shaped...and thin...for being as recockulously overpriced as they were. i was just gonna save it as a christmas present (which it still is, by the way!) but its always more fun getting stuff in the mail...merry christmas/finals!!!!

At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy straight hair.

by the way... the lip injection picture... totally disturbing.

At 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't kid yourself- I LOVE your straight hair!!! You are gonna turn into a straight-hair-aholic like me! Yay!


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