Cali Girl in NYC

I've lived in California for 24 years, and decided to move clear across the country for law school. this will be where all can come to laugh at me as i die in the humidity and freeze in the snow as my california body adjusts to life in new york city...through this blog, i hope to have everyone else suffer just a little with me as i make my way through law school

Thursday, January 29, 2009


okay...THIS article is probably THE most ridiculous thing ive read in a while. it says that it will tell you the type of guys to avoid if you want to have a lasting, happy relationship. i saw this heading and though, hmm, i wonder what type of guys theyre going to warn against. 

i cant believe that they even had to write this down, because SERIOUSLY, if you aren't smart enough to avoid these types of guys....well, you deserve them.

let's run down the list, shall we?

Number One: He has children he doesn't see and/or support.
let's just call this one for what it is -- WINNER!!! i mean, the BEST quality i could possibly think of is some douche bag who doesnt think his own children are worth his time. i mean, seriously, are there women out there who find this to be a FORGIVABLE quality? are you freaking kidding me!? seriously, if thats something that you can ignore, you deserve to be with a man like that. holy freaking cow, i cant even tell you how annoyed i am that THIS is one of the categories that you have to EXPLICITLY warn women away from.

oh! and then the article provides THIS gem: "Deadbeat dads cant start out as a lot of fun...."
uhm....what? are you freaking kidding me!?

Number Two: All his ex-girlfriends are "crazy."
This is probably the least obvious category. I mean obviously it shows that he isnt willing to accept responsiblity, but let's be honest--girls are fucking nuts. but, so are guys. i would say if he acknowledges both, there is less of a problem. 

Number Three: He's heavily invested in his "persona."
now, i totally get why this one is on this list. when i read this, i pictured some abercrombie douche making his pants sag "just so" and adding a lot of gel to his hair. and then i picture the type of girl that usually dates guys like that....well, theyre equally invested in their personas, and i could see both people being so self-involved and caught up in the idea of dating someone "pretty" that they dont realize their relationship is superficial and trite. like them.

im not judgmental. 

shut up.

Number Four: He's a compliment miser.
you know, the only quality i look to second to a "deadbeat dad" who is "a lot of fun," is one that refuses to compliment me. i love being insecure. and never being told im pretty or anything. 
really? THIS kind of guy wont make me happy? this isnt the type of guy i should be dating? huh...who knew.

basically, people, the moral of the story is that people are idiots.

and i promise that sometime soon i will write a post that is not a rant. i swear there are people out there who dont annoy me...much.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

take THAT! know how that "friend" refused to give me his notes for the days i missed in that class? so, i ran into a guy i know who graduated last year and he saw me carrying the book for that class and i was totally freaking out and he offered me HIS outline that he had gotten from someone else. 
now, normally, i really don't like using other peoples' outlines--i would rather make my own and do what i can. however, this outline was a...wait for it....MAZING. and then, another guy i know asked for one of my old outlines, and he offered his outline for this class in return. again, AMAZING outline. i basically relied on these two outlines during the final.
the final made me want to vomit. no joke. i didnt even ANSWER half of the first question. i mean, i didn't even address it or anything. just pretended like it wasn't there. ever since i took the exam, i have been PRAYING that i will get at LEAST a B-. 
I mean, in law school, a B- is really not a good grade, but i really wanted that B-. today i saw that the grades had been posted for that class and, again, i almost threw up a little. but, i figure its like a band-aid, just get it over with and see the grade. so i checked it.

i got a B+. 

and i literally started crying from shock. i can't believe i got a friggin B+ in a class that most people choose NOT to take because of how hard it is. 

holy crap....