okay, let's start with the scariest first. mandy lynn. oh sweet lord her plastic surgeon needs to be shot. i have no words. scary. gross. and *so* real looking!! and, uhm, ben stein must be on CRACK!!!! "you're very pretty"???? is he kidding?! (just so you're wondering, no, he's not. he actually fights to keep her on the show....)
be sure to scroll down to the see the video. i mean, the pic is nasty, but the video...wow...
alright, number 2! gossip girl.
you know, growing up, watching shows that i knew were stupid but still entertained me, i would get SO PISSED at my father who would come in the room to watch with me, and about 30 seconds in to the show, he would turn to me, roll his eyes, sigh LOUDLY, then get up and walk out of the room (dad, you KNOW you do this). recently, i turned in to my father.
gossip girl is BEYOND painful. yeah, the girls are pretty, but is that *really* what is considered an attractive guy in this day and age? and come ON! are these really the BEST actors they could find?! and what is UP with serena's younger brother's hair?
ive been sucked into watching the past few weeks with my friends because i watch the show before it with them (and, no, im not going to mention which show because my father will roll his eyes and sigh). so, there i am, watching the show, thinking, maybe i will get sucked in to it and be way entertained! but, sadly, no. its worse than dawson's. even the "plot" line with the "adults" is painful to watch! its basically highschool issues played out by 30 year olds. 30 year olds with kids in high school. right.
okay, rant over.
and, finally, now for the most painful.
yesterday, i dont know what i did, but i think i strained my eyes. ive worn my glasses almost all day before, and ive been okay. i mean, yeah, after a day of wearing my glasses, my vision will be a little blurry for a while after i take them off, but thats manageable. but yesterday, around 3pm, when id only been wearning my glasses for about 4.5 hours, i got this MASSIVE headache. unfortunately, i was in class, so i couldnt just shut my eyes and deal with the pain. but i started kinda rubbing around my eyes and massaging my head (yes, in the middle of class), and i finally found a few good pressure points that took the pain away. but when i got home last night around 9, when i hadnt been wearing my glasses for about five hours, i had this INTENSE pain whenever i shut my eyes. almost like my eyelids rubbing on my eyeballs was irritating them. so, i was having problems falling asleep, and i decided to take some tylenol pm. i thought it would be okay because i took it around 945, and i didnt have class until 9 the next morning, and i figured about 11 hours would be enough time for the medicine to run through my system. WRONG!!
so, first of all, i had this amazingly wonderful dream where the west side of new york was suddenly ocean side on a tropical island, and the water was a beautiful turquoise, and it was warm, and salty and wonderful, and i was trying to get an oceanside apartment that also had a private beach on the roof. and then my alarm went off, and i was trying to figure out why no one else on the beach was getting up to turn it off. yeah, great way to wake up. so, i haul my tired ass out of bed and take the world's longest shower because i basically sleep through it and have to keep reminding myself, "there is soap in your hair. it's time to rinse." i get to school, my 9am class -- a class i actually really enjoy, and really like the prof, and really like participating in -- and i canNOT focus. i have that horrible medicine head feeling, only worse. my body feels like its floating in jello, and im moving slow motion, and i can barely keep my eyes open. i think i took about a page of notes. i had 45 minutes between that class and my next, and i decided that i would go take a nap in the library. now, most people may not be able to relax, but in all honesty, i have taken some of my best naps in that library. the couches on the top floor are way comfy, and there is just enough muffled noise that its not silent, but nothing really loud enough to distract you. so, i set the alarm on my phone, laid down, and PASSED out within a couple minutes. i was soon rudely awoken by my phone (on vibrate so as not to disturb the rest of the people in the library, but is an even
worse way to be woken up than being yanked from a tropical island), and somehow stumbled to my class. i made it through teh first half, and then gave up (its okay, i didnt need to be there.) and came home and slept for two hours. oh, i forgot. in between first getting to school and leaving to come home, i chugged teh world's hugest cup of coffee and took two excedrine which have caffeine in them. so, i come home, sleep for a couple hours, then have to wake up to prepare for my class at 4. by that time, i was still gross mediciney, but the caffeine had kicked in, so i was all zoned out, and my body was moving really slowly (jello, still), but my heart was pounding, and my hands were shaking. GREAT fun. and i hadnt eaten. so, i got some food and went back to school and pulled myself together.
now, i dont know if im going to be able to sleep, but i have to get up earlyish again tomorrow so i dont want to take tylenol pm, AND my eyes really hurt! on top of it all, now i have to try and figure out my insurance and see if i have vision insurance because i have a feeling that i need a stronger perscription. blaaaah.
but at least i dont look like a nasty-ass skanked out duck with two-toned hair....ah, the bright side!