okay. so. where to begin?!?
a few days ago, alex asked me if i wanted to go out dancing with a group of his friends, including jj. so, i had been planning for dancing on friday night. alex calls, tonight, though, and says he's "tired" and "doesnt feel well" and blah blah blah. so, jj and i decide to go out anyways. so, we decide at 10:00 to meet at lit sometime between 12 and 1230.
i throw on a tank top and jeans and head out. for some reason, my luck with the subway is insane, and i happen to catch both trains i need right as i get to the stations. so, i get to lit at 1130. since i was there early, i msgd jj to let him know i was there, and then i msgd our friend ian to see if he wanted to come down and meet us. ian txts back that he was at work, but he would come meet us as soon as he got off of work. jj txts me back that he is still in bed and not dressed yet. punk.
so, im sitting there. alone. at a bar. drinking a beer. i KNOW it is just a matter of time before some tool hits on me. and lo and behold...
these three guys have kinda been looking at me, and i was doing my best to avoid their gazes. but then one of them comes over and asks if i will scoot over so they can share the bench. fine.... and then they start talking to me. idiots. the first guy to talk to me just moved to brooklyn from PA a month ago. oh, really? i say. where in bklyn? he doesnt know. swear to god. not only does he not know what neighborhood he lives in (like i live in brooklyn heights), he doesnt know any of the big streets he lives near. this guy was an idiot. then, for some reason (boohoo) he got up and left. however, that made room for his friend to slide over and start talking to me. stupid boys.... i kinda bs'd wiht this kid for a while, and then ian showed up! yeah for male friends!!! so, all of a sudden, ian appears, and i JUMPED up and gave him this huge long hug and i told him that if he let me go too soon, i would kick his ass. the freaky boy talking to me needed to see that i was NOT available (even though i am...but im picky!!!).
anyways, so the freaky boy leaves. jj comes a while later and we have this crazy fun time dancing. i fell in love with a boy, but he wouldnt even look twice at me. so that was unfortunate.
we met this girl named britain. she was awesome. cute girl, but you could tell she wasnt a girly-girl. adn she couldnt dance. i liked her!
so, there was this guy there. he was there the last time i was at the club. and that last time, i had seen him once, had talked to him, TOTALLY thought he was gay, so i continued kinda talking kinda innocent flirting with him. and then he asked me to go home with him. uuuh...no. i felt like saying, "but im a GIRL. and i think you like boys." but i didnt. at that time, i just told him, "i cant. sorry." and i walked away. weird. but he was there again tonight!!! aack! and ian and jj both said he was staring at me for a while. and THEN. (fyi, i hate boys. all boys. even if theyre friends!). then, crazy gay boy went over to jj. he asked for my name and jj told him. jj *also* told him that i was totally into him!!! ass. so not funny. BUT! as luck would have it! on his way over to me, he came across britain! and they started dancing. and then they started making out! ew. but yeah for her! she kept him away from me!!!!! =)
so, then we left. i jumped in a cab, because i was not in the mood to stand in the subway for 45 minutes before getting home (even though im still up now!). i LOVED my cab driver! ive never had a better one! he asked me how i wanted to get back to bkln, and i told him, adn he said NO! that takes too long and will cost me too much money! so, he told me how we SHOULD go, and it wound up costing me almost THREE dollars less than it ever has! i LOVE him!!! so. yea! for awesome cabbies!!
so, i get home, im making some frozen mac and cheese, watching some gg, and getting ready for bed. jj calls to make sure i got home okay, and all of a sudden he goes, "dude, this guy is giving me some trouble, ill have to call you back." and he hangs up the phone. so im like, what the f?! then, like 5 minutes later, he calls back. and i answer, and he is all out of breath and crazy. apparently, these three guys JUMPED JJ!! right after he got off the phone with me! and he kicked one of their asses, and the other two ran away!! what the f! he had busted up his knuckle's on one guy's tooth, and he had been kicked in the head and the knee, but hes okay. i STILL cant believe it!! freaking insane!!!
then!! while im talking to jj, i got a txt from ian. apparently, on his way home on the subway, some guy was tripping on something and took off all his clothes and went and shoved his privates in everyone's faces. one by one.
dude. new york. CRAZY!!!